Coventry City Stadium Turned into Collective Farm

Tim Fisher’s recent claim that ACL & Coventry City Council are part of a “Socialist plot” to drive SISU out of the city was given credibility yesterday when ACL Chairman Peter Huge-Knackers announced that the Ricoh Arena would be turned into a collective farm.

ACL reveal new stadium vision

ACL reveal new stadium vision

“As a result of the Seppala-Fisherist fifth column’s betrayal of the workers of Coventry, our magnificent stadium, built on the backs of the working class, will be lying empty for the next 3-5 years” he told reporters yesterday. “Therefore we intend to feed the glorious Knatchbullite Sky Blue revolution by transforming the pitch into a workers’ collective farm, where we will grow grain, vegetables and fruit to fuel the revolutionary ardour of our people!”

Huge-Knackers also revealed that the stadium would be renamed. “No more will the workers of Coventry be oppressed by Ricoh-Waggotist corporate propaganda!” he thundered. “The new stadium name – The Glorious Dave Nellist 16 May 1987 People’s Stadium – will inspire pride and sacrifice in the hearts of the Sky Blue masses as they enter the stadium to harvest wheat from its fertile soil – a soil that has nurtured the proletariat of Coventry for centuries.”

Tim Fisher, meanwhile, announced that SISU intend to be in charge at Coventry for “1000 years”, and that the building of the new Reichstadion in Brandon would commence by the end of 2013.

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